"The angels surround and help the priest when he is celebrating mass." – St. Augustine

Let's Spend some Time with God

Daily Mass: 9am in Retreat House Chapel

The Mass is the most important sacramental celebration of the Church, and it always follows a set order.

We gather for Mass, rest from work, and perform works of mercy. People all over the world gather at God’s Eucharistic table as brothers and sisters.

Introductory Rites: Preparing to celebrate the Eucharist

Entrance Chant: We gather as a community and praise God in song.
Greeting: We pray the Sign of the Cross. The priest welcomes us.
Penitential Rite: We remember our sins and ask God for mercy.
Gloria: We praise God in song.
Collect: We ask God to hear our prayers.

Liturgy of the Word: Hearing God’s plan of Salvation

First Reading: We listen to God’s Word, usually from the Old Testament.
Responsorial Psalm: We respond to God’s Word in song.
Second Reading: We listen to God’s Word from the New Testament.
Gospel Acclamation: We sing “Alleluia!” to praise God for the Good News. During Lent, we use a different acclamation.
Gospel Reading: We stand and listen to the Gospel of the Lord.
Homily: The priest or the deacon explains God’s Word.
Profession of Faith: We proclaim our faith through the Creed.
Prayer of the Faithful: We pray for our needs and the needs of others.

Liturgy of the Eucharist: Celebrating Christ’s presence in the Eucharist

Presentation and Preparation of the Gifts: We bring gifts of bread and wine to the altar.
Prayer over the Offerings: The priest prays that God will accept our sacrifice.
Eucharistic Prayer: This prayer of thanksgiving is the centre and high point of the entire celebration.

  • Preface: We give thanks and praise to God.

  • Holy, Holy, Holy: We sing an acclamation of praise.

  • Consecration: The bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.

  • The Mystery of Faith: We proclaim the mystery of our faith.

  • Amen: We affirm the words and actions of the Eucharistic Prayer.

Communion Rite: Receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ

Lord’s Prayer: We pray the Our Father.
Sign of Peace: We offer one another Christ’s peace.
Lamb of God: We pray for forgiveness, mercy, and peace.
Communion: We receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
Prayer After Communion: We pray that the Eucharist will strengthen us to live as Jesus did.

Concluding Rites: Going forth to Glorify the Lord by our Lives

Final Blessing: We receive God’s blessing.
Dismissal: We go in peace, glorifying the Lord by our lives.

Please join us for Mass at Marylake whenever you can. We look forward to having you with us.